Mission Statement

The hope of Redeemer Youth is to guide and walk alongside our students through Gospel focused and gospel fueled relationships. We want our students to be transformed by God’s grace.

Our mission is to invite and equip our students to become faithful servants of all through prayer, worship, spending time in scripture, and through fellowship with one another.

Youth Ministry Team

Jonathan Murfee

Director to Youth and Families

Caleb Hoekstra

High School Ministry Staff

Ava Hatfield

WS Fellow

Antonio Harrison

WS Fellow

High School No-Reply Text Messages

If you would like to receive text reminders for high school youth, text @rpchsyouth to the number 81010.

Middle School No-Reply Text Messages

If you would like to receive text reminders for middle school youth, text @rpcmsyouth to the number 81010.

Weekly Email Updates

If you would like to receive our weekly youth email updates, please email Caitlin Lockey at