What is New Wine?

For 40 years, God’s grace has formed Redeemer Church into a vibrant, worshipping community on a mission to love one another and the world. To sustain this mission, through much counsel, contemplation, and even more prayer, our Session is launching a stewardship initiative called “New Wine.” This will be a long-term initiative divided into two phases that will support growth outside of our regular giving.

We are excited to launch this with our congregation! To help Redeemer's people fully understand the inner workings and hopes of this campaign, representatives will be visiting small groups to answer questions. There will also be a few sessions to attend for more in-depth information.

New Wine Prayer and Fasting

As we prepare to collect New Wine pledge cards on February 23rd, we are inviting our congregation into a 24-hour period of prayer and fasting on Wednesday, February 19th. You can participate in three different ways. 1) Come gather for a time of corporate prayer at 12PM in the youth house. 2) Sign up for a 30-minute slot and commit to praying, either on campus in the youth house, or from work or home. 3) Plan to fast on February 19th.

Case For Support

Our Case For Support outlines the mission and vision for New Wine. We invite you to read through as you prayerfully consider pledging.



Please read through our FAQ if you have any lingering questions.



Ready to make a Pledge? Click below to submit a digital pledge card. Paper versions are also available at the church lobby.


Ready to give right now? Click below to make your gift to New Wine. Be sure to select "New Wine" in the Give dropdown box.


Still Have a Question?

Please send us an email with your detailed question(s) so we can get back to you!