Hand in Hand Ministry

Who We Are

Partner with us in Redeemer’s new ministry, Hand in Hand, where we come alongside kids, teens, and adults with special needs. We desire for all Redeemer folks to grow in their relationships with God and in friendships with people as they learn, serve and enjoy life together.

As a new ministry, we are inviting you in to help us grow! Look below at ways we need your support to help Hand in Hand thrive.

How You Can Help

1. Volunteer by being a buddy (once a month) in a classroom or worship training or help set up a classroom. Email Christy Davis for information.
2. Purchase fun equipment and supplies to donate to our spaces.
3. Pray for our families and ways to connect and love well.

Would You Like to Visit Our Church?

If you or someone in your family is impacted by disability and are interested in visiting Redeemer Winston Salem, we would love to connect with you. Simply email the Hand in Hand Director, Christy Davis at cdavis@redeemerws.org to begin a conversation on how we can best support your needs while you visit Redeemer.