
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7

Ways To Give

Text to Give

Send a text with your dollar amount to 84321 and follow the prompts.

Online Giving

By registering through our online banking system you can set up regular or one time transfers directly from a bank account, debit card or credit card.

Give Online

By Mail

You can also mail a check to Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 1046 Miller Street, Winston-Salem NC 27103. ATTN: Catherine Harris

The Accounts Explained

General Fund: These regular, weekly offerings go to the upkeep and wellbeing of the church, including building needs, maintenance, staff supports, and ministry support. We also portion out monies from this account to support local and global missions as well as specific vision projects.

Deacons' Fund: This offering helps our community during times of financial crises. We use this money to help those in our community and our own church body in times of financial need.

Missions Fund: This offering supports workers serving God in different cultures around the world. We support a number of families overseas on a monthly basis, and this account help to further their work.

How to Set Up Recurring Giving