WELCOME all kids ages 4 to rising 5th graders to Redeemer’s Grounds on June 22, 23, & 24 from 9:15 to 12 noon for a time of deep teaching, interactive music, and amazing camp games/sports/crafts/experiments and more! Come and see and taste the goodness of God’s bountiful love as we learn more about God’s welcome, and how to extend the same welcome to our own community, city, and world. All families are also invited to join us for the Camp Finale Ice Cream Social on Friday, June 25 at 6:30 PM.  We can’t wait for you to “BE OUR GUEST!”

Looking for more ways to be apart of this amazing week?  You can help by donating or lending us some needed items: We need snack items, cooking utensils, LOTS of legos and hand drums (like djembe). Volunteers are also still needed Sign up below to either donate items or your time!
Use the flyer below to invite your friends and neighbors to the camp, we would love to welcome them too! For questions, please contact vbscoordinator@redeemerws.org.