Tripp Sanders pastored, encouraged, comforted, and cared for us. He still does. Though Tripp is no longer with us physically, his legacy of joy, encouragement, fun, passion for the Gospel, and love persists. On his birthday weekend, we want to gather to celebrate his life and the many ways he continues to impact all of us. In celebrating, we are not ignoring the grief. We are acknowledging that death does not get the last word. We have a living hope!

We will gather on Sunday, April 24 at 4:30pm on Hawthorne Grounds for a time of hearing stories, singing, encouragement and remembering our beloved Tripp Sanders. Plus some ultimate frisbee to celebrate one of his favorite things! Redeemer will be providing drinks, dessert and the opportunity to purchase dinner from Food Trucks (tacos and burgers!), so bring the family for a wonderful afternoon of remembrance. We hope to see you there!