True North – VBS
June 9 - 13
Kids are precious gifts to our church. Redeemer welcomes these amazing Image-bearers and loud Kingdom Proclaimers! We all benefit from their curiosity, unabashed prayers, and fierce faith, so we warmly invite them into the service and to be a vital part of our community. We train them in prayer, worship, confession and the seeking of God’s Word; and believe they increase our own faith. Because parents are the primary vehicle for their child’s spiritual formation, we also seek to equip and encourage our families by providing resources and events throughout the year.
Worship Training - Available for 4yrs - 2nd grade kids during the sermon in the worship service (8:30 AM & 11 AM) in the Four Foxes Room.
Nursery Classrooms - Babies through Pre-K kids are welcome during the 8:30AM &11AM worship services and the Sunday School hour at 10AM.
Kids Praise & Sunday School - At 10AM Elementary students gather in room 101 to participate in worship songs then will walk with their teachers to their classrooms.