Crisis Control Poverty Simulation
March 22
We thrive in community! Redeemer offers many ways to stay tethered to the larger body of the church through many different ministries. These are wonderful ways to use your passions within your faith to live out the gospel. Whether it's working with our Global Engage Team to support cross cultural workers, praying for needs within our body, or gathering together with others to study Scripture, we hope you can find a space to connect and grow!
The Global Engage Team (GET) supports the work and ministry of many workers across the globe. The members of the GET are always looking for new members, and would love to share with you about the incredible folks we support; email globalengagechair@redeemerws.org to learn how you can get involved!
The Local Engage Team (LET) exists to partner with the city to look for ways to serve and support for the sake of the Gospel. If you interested in joining, or want to learn more, please email Amy Jones at localengagechair@redeemerws.org.
Redeemer Prays is a ministry within the congregation of Redeemer, a community that delights in praying for and with others. Requests are sent into our church, and then sent out via email to this praying community. If you have a strong heart for praying for or rejoicing with others, please email prayer@redeemerws.org to join
Men's Bible Study will be exploring the suffering way of the Messiah in the second half of the Gospel of Mark this Fall. This study meets at 6AM in the Youth House (1030 Miller St). Contact Ben Nelson for more details mbenelson@gmail.com.
We have two offerings for Women's Bible Study this year. Look under our "Follow" tab for ways you can join in!
Life groups meet consistently and provide a chance to connect with others and to grow together as followers of Christ. Look under our "Follow" tab for ways you can join in!