Be sure to plan to stay after the service on August 21 for our congregational meeting. Our leaders will provide updates on staffing changes, details on our congregational survey, financial updates, and also a time of thanks to Chris Horne and family as he begins his work with RUF. We will also use this time to vote on the nominated elder and deacons (info sheets in the foyer). Immediately after this time, we will gather out on the grounds for “Exploring Redeemer”; all are invited to come!
At “Exploring Redeemer”, we will gather on the grounds for lunch provided by the church as we invite you to connect with ministry leaders (both in our church and community) to learn how your gifts can be used to further the kingdom of our God! We become more whole and more fully who God made us to be when we use the gifts He has given us. We will have tables up for you to connect with leaders in so many ministries, ranging from children’s ministry, to REAL life groups, to running slides on Sunday, to working with our Cross Cultural workers. Come and Explore how you can partner with Redeemer!